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The Mystery Binding is a subscription service that delivers handpicked books to readers every month. Our mission is to connect book lovers with new stories, authors, and genres they might never have discovered otherwise. Let us help you find your next favorite read!

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  • "Love that I have the choice to choose whether I want Romance, Horror, Fantasy, or just something to keep me guessing!"

    Lisa Driver, MI

  • "Great packaging and great books!"

    Del Sin, FL

  • "The reward system is awesome! I feel like I'm on a journey to earn more books and rewards with time. "

    Don Francis, NY

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I unsubscribe from The Mystery Binding?

At the moment, unsubscribing from us is as easy as sending an email to themysterybindingllc@gmail.com and letting us know you'd like to unsubscribe. More options are bound to come! Please note that this must be done before the payment goes through on the first. All payments are final and there are no refunds.

Can I return a product?

No. All sales are final once payment is processed at the first of every month. If there is a defect in the product, however, the book may be returned for a copy of the SAME book unless there was an error.

How does the loyalty program work?

The loyalty program works by rewarding you with more books and rewards the longer you stay subscribed.

Do I have to pay shipping if my books are damaged?

If you return the book(s) that were damaged we will resend you the same books at no extra cost to you.